Advanced Functions Links


 AFM Links

        Systems of Equations

        Graphmatica:  Free trial version of a very useful graphing tool.  In case you don't have a graphing calculator at home.


        Millionaire Activity

             Monthly Calculator  How long will it take YOU to become a millionaire?

            One Minute Millionaire:  Want to make a million?  This is probably a good way to do it without getting in trouble.

            Yahoo Finance:  Here are some places to invest.



            BuzzDash: Survey the world!  What flavor of chewing gum do you like?  Whatever.

            Survey Page



        Rossman Chance  Statistics Simulations for Probability

        Rossman Chance  expected value simulation

        Shodor  More simulations and demonstrations



        Other General AFM Links

        Trigonometry:  Lots of concepts explained and illustrated with animations.  Click around.

        Modeling Problems

        Shodor2  A more general search in Shodor for math activities

        Logarithms:  Clear explanations

        Exponents:  Clear explanations

        NCSSM:  AFM at North Carolina School of Science and Math

        Gapminder:  A study in statistics that will open your mind.

        Free Fall Simulation:  On earth a ball falls too fast to measure.  Not this one.

        Boolean Machine:  Set theory in a nutshell.

        Surfer's Suitcase:  A guide to powerful searches on the internet.

        Trigonometry:  All kinds of trigonometry help.

        USA Today weather:  Gives both F and C temperatures.